
The Kytherian Association of Australia – working for all its members now and for the future.

Our members enjoy a range of benefits including:

– Free monthly colour newsletter containing up & coming events, social news and history
– Free Greek dancing lessons on Friday nights for children of members
– Exclusive access to resources and books at the library facilities of the new Kythera House.

Your committee is always striving to enhance membership benefits and experiences.

We have introduced various social and cultural activities which encourage members and friends to get together such as cooking classes, prefa and tavli lessons, family dances, Aroney encouragement awards for HSC students, ski trips for our Kytherian youth and other subcommittee activities such as trivia nights, morning teas and day trips.

We hope to grow our range of activities in the future to include school holiday programs for children and events for our youth.

For those interested in becoming members, please download the attached New Member form and return it and your payment to the address on the form.

For current members, we have moved to a new database and you will receive your personalised annual renewal notice each year.  Additionally a form is available on this page if you misplace your renewal notice.

We look forward to hearing any suggestions for how we can enhance your experiences as members.

Feel free to email us regarding membership
